Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4374 fixed Error message when changing File Permissions Lummo

When attempting to change the permissions on a directory on the remote system I get the message "Another remote operation is already in progress, cannot change directory now."

This doesn't appear if I select the "recurse" option.

It seems to change the protection anyway.



#4376 fixed File size shows same after uploading same file L. Mohan Arun

To reproduce the issue,

Open remote server connection (FTP) Upload a file that has been changed locally (file size should be different). Note the file size shown in the dialog box that confirms overwrite. After uploading the changed file, make more changes to the same file locally, and initiate upload again. This time the overwrite window will show the ORIGINAL file size, not the new changed file size that got changed because u uploaded new file in step(2)

#4388 fixed Multiple select in remote files - View/Edit doesnt work L. Mohan Arun

In the local window, if you select multiple files and right click then the "View/Edit" option is grayed out, In the remote window, if you select multiple files and right click where the View/Edit option is NOT grayed out, it produces system error sound, and the edit doesnt happen.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
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