Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3994 rejected Hide Local Site (add local site to the 'view' drop-down list) David Wipperfurth

I'm requesting that the Local Site frame be Hide-able in the same way that the Message Log, Local Directory Tree, etc. frames are Hide-able; using the View Drop-down menu.

To me this is a very important option, because of the way I manipulate files; I drag-and-drop files between my local file system explorer and my FTP client(Filezilla). To me, as I'm sure is the same for many, desktop real estate is expensive. Normally this means the simpler and more compact, the better, and I don't use the Local Site frame/pane, so it would be great if I didn't have it taking-up space.

#5662 fixed Error - access violation / segfault in all menuitems if you double-change language CollateralD

Filezilla client V3.3.4.1

I get an access violation / segfault:

The instruction at "0x00a1a8d9" referenced memory at "0xc80202e0". The memory could not be read.

It is 100% reproducible.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open filezilla, assert that language is set to "Default system language" (otherwise do it and restart filezilla).

2) Settings -> switch to language English (en). Press OK

3) Setting -> switch back to language "Default system language".

Now nearly all calls to menuitems lead to this segfault.

This is no tragedy but I do want to mention it.

#9943 fixed Dark Theme with Gnome 3.14.2 Mark Gerlach

Please add a dark theme wich can be used by the global dark theme in Gnome 3.14.2

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