Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 Crash when pressing F1 danielvijge

FileZilla preforms and illegal operation when pressing F1, just after the CHM help file has been opened. I'm using FileZilla 2.1.1 with Windows 2000 SP3

#197 error can't reload queue item anonymous

I was using Filezilla to download an entire directory structure. The connection was too slow so I closed the program. An hour later I cam back and needed to use ftp again. I open FileZilla and I get a popup box that says "error can't reaload queue item". I click "OK" only to have the same message pop up again. I have to click this popup approximately 100 times before FileZilla will start again.

#198 Can't see files when connecting via SFTP anonymous

When I connect to a server via SFTP using SSH2 FileZilla connects and everything seems wonderful. But when the connection is done I can't see any files. Although the message log says "Response: Sucessfully received 29 items". I've posted the whole message log further down.

Sometimes I can upload files, but I can't see the file. I know the file is there because the FTP-account holds the files for a website (if I upload a picture I can download an view it via HTTP). I've tried to upload a file which doesn't already exist in the directory (not overwriting) I couldn't see the file when it was uploaded. But I could get it via HTTP and it was there when I browsed the server internally.

I'm using FileZilla 2.1.1 on WinME with a ISDN- connection to the internet. I know I have the permissions to do everything in my account (view, write etc).

Here's the whole message log from a test session when this problem occured:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT eliasa@…:-26 Response: Remote working directory is /usr/home/eliasa Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CD /usr/home/eliasa/public_html/ Response: Remote working directory is now /usr/home/eliasa/public_html Command: LIST Response: Listing directory /usr/home/eliasa/public_html Response: Sucessfully received 29 items Status: Directory listing successful

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