Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#257 Can't manage SSL keys anonymous

After renaming the DNS name of a server, I can no longer connect to it via SFTP. I suspect that the fzsftp backend is detecting a potential spoof attack because of the DNS change.

I do not know where the SSH equivalent of 'known_hosts' is being stored, so I can't edit it or delete it. It doesn't appear to be in filezilla.xml, and I'm not sure what to look for in the windows registry.

Korey Renner renner@…

#258 Microsoft Distributed File System anonymous

FileZilla hangs when start browsing a Microsoft Distributed File System in Local Site File Tree. rks/fileandprint/dfsnew.asp

submitted by Andreas.Heidoetting@…

#259 missing SuspendThread() implementation mrdoubleyou

FileZilla Server: thread.cpp does not contain implementation of DWORD SuspendThread();

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