Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4358 fixed Editor paths containing single quotes james

I had a custom editor setup in filezilla: "C:\Program Files\Programmer's Notepad\pn.exe" After upgrading to 3.2.3, it tells me:

The file 'xxx' cannot be opened: The associated program (C:\Program Files\Programmers) could not be found. Please check your filetype associations.

Looks like it's choking on something in the filename... maybe the apostrophe in the path.

#4367 fixed Automatically remove successful transfers doesn't work (Mac OS X) Tim Kosse Žiga Sancin

The "Automatically remove transfers" option under the "successful transfers" tab doesn't work on Mac OS X.

#4369 fixed Update dialog cut off (Mac OS X) Žiga Sancin

The update dialog is cut off on the right side on Mac OS X. See attachment.

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