Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#254 Directory cache issue thunderw

Mix up lowercase & uppercase. There is a certain site contains two directories:"downloads" & "Downloads". I first entered download. & then, I find I not manage entering "Downloads". FileZilla thinks "Downloads" is just "downloads" and give me the content of it. Refresh does not work at all.

#255 NoShow of serverside directory list anonymous

I am connected to a FTP-Server ( OSE-System). The trace of the inital list-command shows a list of directories and files, but the directory-view says

< leeres Verzeichnis >

It looks like fillezilla has problems to display the results of the server.

#256 Excessive CPU usage anonymous

Using 0.82 of Server. Haad to install from scratch having removed previous version as it never connected to server and always crashed. On reboot and re-install of 0.82 worked fine for a while, but now just starts up as before and just consumes 99% of CPU constantly regardless of priority set.

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