Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4482 fixed 2048 selection creates 2058 bits size keys Claudiu Romaniuc

It looks like when you use the Generate Certificate facility, selecting 2048 bits size will result in a 2058 bits size key.

Here's the code :

m_country.MakeUpper(); int bits = 1024; if (m_keysize == 1) bits = 2058; else if (m_keysize == 2) bits = 4096;

#3276 2GB limitation for uploading via SFTP bone22

I am using ubuntu 7.04 and I have filezilla 3.0.0 beta 7. When I try to upload to my openssh server via SFTP it works fine, but if the file is above 2GB it will tell me that the file is already there and ask me if I want to overwrite, which if I do the same question just re-appears. I installed GFTP to see if I'm able to upload the 2GB file and I am able to upload it without a problem, so that I could determine that the problem was with filezilla and not the server.

thanks in advance

#3190 3.0.0-beta11 files > 2GB don't show file size in client zercon

After connecting to an IIS FTP server, files of +2 GB do not dosplay the file size.

The attached screen print is after disconnecting and reconnecting and even doing a refresh. Note that the files to the right are missing the file sizes in the display.

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