Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#190 Server does not accept wildcard filespec themmer

When given a wildcard file specification within the LIST or NLST command, the server responds with a "directory not found" message. This behaviour is regardless of which client I have tried.

#191 GSS Login fails with username no warning kirri

If you go to the site manager and connect to a site defined as 'use GSS' (* for example) it connects if you have Kerberos tickets, or gives you an "Are you sure you want to send password in the clear" dialog if you don't have tickets. However, if you have tickets and enter a different username to connect with, it just asks for your password with no 'no tickets' warning. Entering a password yields an Error: could not retrieve directory listing. It then remains connected and periodically gives a 530 Please log in with USER and PASS .

#192 error in remote directory mathieu01

I want to connect with a FTP server on a Windows machine. The defaut remote directory is like : "D:/path/to/my/directory" (i can't change it, it's a server of a provider)

but Filezilla add a "/" to this remote directory

When i want to download a file "file", filezilla send to the server : "/D:/path/to/my/directory/file"

and CWD failed because the server don't understand the directory name...

download works with other FTP clients like WSFTP or CuteFTP.

I think thaht in this case you must not add a "/" to the remote directory

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