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Results (190 - 192 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#192 error in remote directory mathieu01

I want to connect with a FTP server on a Windows machine. The defaut remote directory is like : "D:/path/to/my/directory" (i can't change it, it's a server of a provider)

but Filezilla add a "/" to this remote directory

When i want to download a file "file", filezilla send to the server : "/D:/path/to/my/directory/file"

and CWD failed because the server don't understand the directory name...

download works with other FTP clients like WSFTP or CuteFTP.

I think thaht in this case you must not add a "/" to the remote directory

#193 Executable files from Solaris servers anonymous

I've connected to 2 or 3 different Solaris servers and have noticed the same problem on all of them: any executable files in the file listing have an asterix at the end of the name, for example:*

It is of course normal to see an asterix following files that have the execution bit set, since this is the way ls will often display such files, so that they can be quickly identified in a long listing.

However, the fact that the asterix is appearing in the Filezilla listing seems to confuse Filezilla, since any attempt to download these files will fail.

The following is an example of the error I'm describing, pulled from the filezilla log window:

Command: GET* c:\* FALSE Response: /www/cgi-bin/*: no such file or directory Error: Download failed

In general Filezilla is a great tool, but the only work around I've found for this is to temporarily turn off the executable bit using CHMOD ... which is not very handy to say the least, but necessary if I want to get at these files.

I have not seen this problem on Linux boxes, only Solaris.

#194 Italian language interface anonymous

In edit menu the option: Export Setting Import Setting are wrong translated.

The right translate are: Export Setting ---> Esportazione Settaggi Import Setting ---> Importazione Settaggi

Otherthewise you can use: Export Settaggi Import Settaggi


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