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Results (187 - 189 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1039 Remote file list hangs after a while Alexander Schuch cbsourceforge

This bug may be identical to bug# 1338012, but since it is reported there for version 2.2.17 only I created this ticket.

In version 2.2.18 the remote file list hangs after a while (there is only the error "pling" sound, when a directory not listed before is clicked). When debug mode is switched on, the onscreen log shows

"SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) Caller=0x003fd1a4" (or some other value)

looping forever. In this case the GUI does not react any longer, I have to kill Filezilla via the task manager. I checked the server's sshd_config for the entries named in bug# 1338012:

TCPKeepAlive yes ClientAliveInterval 60 ClientAliveCountMax 3

#1040 settings -- directory cache -- warning bad if no entry Alexander Schuch jgleicher

In the settings box, on the Directory Cache node of the tree, if you leave any of the boxes for the amout of time to cache a directory blank and then press okay to exit, you are presented with a warning, but it is impossible to discern what the warning is about since it is entirely blank. Leaving a field blank is a hard stop, and you cannot exit the settings editor unless you have a value in all of these boxes.

Suggestions: Default to 0 when nothing is entered. Display a warning message that details the problems.

#1045 having files selected and browsing w tree -> strange selecti Alexander Schuch per9000

If I have files selected in a folder and switch folder using the local treeview some other files get selected, I don't know if they are truly selected or of it is just a view thing.

(using filezilla v 2.2.19a on win xp prof.)


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