Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#187 xml settings @ start up links2learning

I like the idea of saving to xml files. Site Manager - working fine. Filezilla Settings - keeps being reset to blank xml file at start up. === In SETTINGS I export my valves to an xml file called filezilla setting.xml, this I change to filezilla.xml as suggested by the dialogue box. == On restarting Filezilla a warning appears asking me to either save to the registery or use xml files. Surely if the file filezilla.xml with all my settings is present in the same folder as filezilla, this xml file should be automatically read. What happens is that when I select NO to not use the registry a blank filezilla.xml file is generated which wipes out all my stored settings. == OK I can import these settings from filezilla settings.xml but options like display remote directory on startup are ignored because the programme is running. == Me? or the software?

#188 Remote file listing doesn't show files t6nu

I have a problem with a FTP site. Remote file listing looks empty, although there are files in the directory.

I set on the debug options "Trace messages from the FTP engine" and "Show raw directory listing". LIST commands seems to work. The message log is:

Trace: -rw-r----- 1 user1 staff 42637978 01-10 2001 access.log Trace: drwxr-xr-x 4 user1 staff 512 17-10 2001 apps_backup Trace: -rwxr-x--- 1 user1 staff 1933 03-06 18:01 backup_start

Probably it's because of the date format returned from remote server? Is there a way to configure FileZilla to understand this date format?

#189 Remote File List does not show all files jsbisa

The remote file list does not show all files. The listing is showing all, but the largest file. I have attached the trace of the file list request and bolded the one file that is not showing up. You will notice that the group and filesize are running together. I figured that is what is causing the problem.

FileZilla Version 2.1a

The server I am connecting to is: $ uname -a SunOS xxxxxxxxx 5.6 Generic_105181-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-80

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