Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4488 rejected transfer process changed my blog title. Tia

After transferring files from wordpress version 2.6.3 to my host on May 6th at around 7:30 CST, the transfer jumbled the name of my blog. The correct name, which I double checked is entered correctly, should be After the file transfer it came out

#1824 transfer option anonymous


it would be nice to have a transfer option to "force lowercase filenames" when uploading. This would be very helpfull as win32-filenames often happen to have a uppercase first letter and in case of digital cameras picture names are all in uppercase.

best regards, Gerald

email: geri.r@…

#8793 outdated transfer feature Deborah Lange

I would like to be able to specify specific file types to be recognized as either binary or ascii so that I can use the auto setting and be assured Filezilla will detect the correct file type. I currently have a problem with some (not all) css and js files not uploading correctly on the auto setting, and it would be nice to rule out that their file types were mis-identified.

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