Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4292 fixed command line: local directory Barry Ralphs wr2

When FileZilla client starts, it takes initial local directory from parameter "Last local directory" in filezilla.xml file. Remote path could be set by means of command line options.

It would be great if you could include command line option to also set initial local directory.

This is usefull in case of starting FileZilla from filemanager when user is already in desired local directory. Now, it's necessary to go to this directory in FileZilla again instead of just pass it to FileZilla as a command line parameter.

#4311 fixed MVS empty directory not connected to any server Steve Mann

When using servertype 'MVS, OS/390, z/OS' and a 'default remote directory' (Site Manager/Advanced tab) that doesn't return any files, FileZilla says 'not connected to any server' and does not let file transfers (upload) take place. FileZilla client is

#4314 fixed Synchronized browsing as a per-site setting Daniel Beardsmore

Would it be possible to add the synchronized browsing setting as a Site Manager option? This way, for sites where I plan to use it exclusively, it will automatically engage on connect.

Obviously, the more settings that can be put in Site Manager the better, but for the moment this is the one that comes to mind.

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