Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#181 Remote dir restore after dir upload anonymous

Suppose I have a /goofy directory on the remote server, I'm currently located into it, and I want to upload into it the dirs /goofy/pluto and /goofy/venus together with the files they contain.

I select the two local dirs and upload them.

When the upload has finished, FileZilla should bring me back to the remote /goofy dir, like I was in the beginning. Instead, it remains _inside_ one of the two dirs just uploaded.

#182 crashes while exporting the queue anonymous

tried to export the queue, after hitting the button filezilla crashes

athlon xp, 1600+, 256mb ram

#183 fixed Upload of an empty directory Luke stbland

FileZilla Version 2.0.2

The upload of an empty directory do nothing : it don't create the directory on remote server.

Ps : sorry for my english, I m french

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