Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#143 transfering directory tflambert

just a request to return to original directory on remote site when you transfer a directory(folder). It end up in the last sub-directory parsed it looks like.

BTW love program

#5619 outdated transfered .sh file corrupt filed Rick Thomas

I am using - When I upload any .sh files and then try and run it on the server I get a bad interpreter in the shell. If I view the file online it looks ok. If I transfer it with an old version of WS_FTP it works fine. I deleted and re-entered the .sh as ASCII transfer in the File Extensions section but it didn't help.

#1061 transfer queue when minimizing frank-w

hi, with version 2.2.21 the height of my transfer-queue is been set to 0 when minimizing filezilla and not reset when restore or starting new upload.

another issue: i think when dragging a file on transfer queue upload should start, but this must be choosen from contextmenu.

regards Frank

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