Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#178 Crash connecting to network drive 2.0.2 anonymous

Filezilla 2.0.2 treeview crashes when I try to access a network drive mapping. The following happens:

  1. The crash occurs when trying to access the drive

mapping through the local treeview.

  1. It looks as if the local tree view is trying to

refresh, but the program crashes.

  1. When I uncheck the treeview option in the view menu

to hide it, the program functions as normal.

  1. It also does not crash when broswing non network

drives (ie c:\ drive)

This happens on my little home network, with just 2 machines and 1 mapped drive, have not tested on any other type of network.

Hope this is helpful. Filezilla is great, keep up the good work.

#179 FileZilla cant parse some FTP addresses rangeva

When using FileZilla with outside argument (ARGV[]) Example: FileZilla.exe cd/3.0_r0/i386/debian-30r0-i386-binary-2.iso


FileZilla cd/image/3.0_r0/jigdo/i386/debian-30r0-i386-binary-4.iso

This one sounds easy to solve, because when cutting and pasting it to the "Quick Connect" address bar, it works perfect...

#180 No activity on status bar during upload xmanore


I'm running 2.0.2 on an XP system. When I upload to my location, there's only activity on the status bar at irregular times.

At first I thought it was because some of the items I was uploading were so small that the status bar just blinked (and I didn't catch it) but the example that I'm showing here:

was a 1.2M file that took about 20 seconds to upload.

Sometimes the status bar shows activity and sometimes it doesn't. There doesn't really seem to be a pattern...



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