Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1893 treepane left beside anonymous

this programm is totaly cool, my smartftp went to trash.

one recommendation: i think it is more likely that people have more files in a dir instead of long filenames. means you have more way to scroll vertical then horizontal.

so it would be more comfy to have the treepane on the left beside each filepane.

ps: if possible, order filetype after filedate(-sortbutton) sometimes filetype-names are quite long, so you have to scroll to the (more often used) filedate.

#11430 rejected transfert list order coguaro

i hope is possible order the transfer list in base of all colums is in that

sorry for my english

i spero sia possibile avere la possibilità di ordinare la transfert list in base a qualunque colonna della transfert list

#8809 outdated transferring... will0717

hi. for some reason i cant transfer more then one file at a time... i use to have it set to 1 but want to change back to 2 would not work so i tried again and i now have it left at 3 for a few days with no change...

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