Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4228 fixed Filetype Associations Error on Transfer lyster

Upon installation of update 3.2.1 the file associations with MS word and MS excel documents was lost. Pdf's are ok. When I try and open the doc's from the transfer window using the right click function (open) FileZilla gives an error saying the file could not be opened due to the associated program not being found. It goes on to say 'Please check your filetype associations'. The files are certainly there and can be opened normally from and explorer window. This only happened with the recent update.

#4233 fixed File Last Modified Date is not Right on Newer Files Joe Hess

Newer files are showing up with a last modified date of 2003 and 2004. Files ftpd sometime after 12/18/2008 and before 1/9/2009 are doing this. Although anything in 2009 is having this problem with the old date in the last modified date. Using FileZilla 3.2.1, also happened in last release. FTP Server is FTPshell 4.3 using sftp. I get the correct listing if I use Linux to do an ls -al on the directory.

#4238 fixed Filezilla crashes on startup waka

Filezilla crashes on startup, crashreport attached.

concerned setting in filezilla.xml:

<Setting name="Last local directory" type="string">/Users/WakA/Downloads/series/</Setting>

If the directory specified no longer exists (is renamed/moved etc.) filezilla crashes.

Filezilla 3.2.1

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