Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#166 Bug in v2.0: File Transfer Settings. anonymous

I have encountered a bug which pops up whenever I click on Edit - Settings - File Transfer Settings. An error message pops up saying "An unsupported operation was attempted", and then there are no options there for file transfer.

#167 bug & solution: private key decryption elahn

Password provided in FileZilla is not used to decrypt the private key referenced in the PuTTY settings for the specified host.

In "ssh.c" (revision 1.8):

4128: need_pw = FALSE;

needs to be replaced with:

4128: if (ssh2_userkey_encrypted(cfg.keyfile, &comment)) { 4129: need_pw = TRUE; 4130: } else { 4131: need_pw = FALSE; 4132: }

Attached is "ssh.c" with the above changes made. I'd commit them myself, but I'm not a project developer. :)

Regards, Elahn

#168 New kerberos tickets requires re-launch kirri

We have been experiencing a minor bug where if a user destroys his Kerberos tickets, then gets tickets for another user, FileZilla is unable to connect properly.

Quitting and re-launching FileZilla solves the

problem. This is under 1.9.7. We tried testing under 2.0.0, but encountered another bug (garbled server response.. see bug report).

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