Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#882 unable to access directories with leading/trailing spaces Alexander Schuch shagzomatic

It appears that if someone has created a directory on an ftp server with a leading or trailing space in the directory name (i.e. " directoryname" or "directoryname "), the FileZilla client (Windows, v2.2.13c) is unable to descend into that directory. I believe this to be an issue with the client rather than the server since I am unable to duplicate this issue with gftp under Linux or coreftp under Windows.

Logs on the server side look like FileZilla is stripping the leading / trailing spaces off the file names (directories in test below are named " leading space" and "trailing space ": UNKNOWN nobody [18/May/2005:11:08:19 -0500] "USER shagz" 331 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "PASS (hidden)" 230 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "FEAT" 211 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "SYST" 215 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "PWD" 257 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:25 -0500] "CWD leading space" 550 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:29 -0500] "CWD trailing space" 550 -

client -side logs are attached.

The server this was discovered with is a Linux machine running proftpd. I can provide test login credentials if needed.

#8005 fixed ubuntu 11.10 64bit - crash on icon-drop in treeview speedmachine

platform: ubuntu 11.10 64 bit (all current updates) / Gnome3 / current FileZilla

computer: AMD Phenom II X4 955, 12 GB RAM, lots of HDD space

After connecting to the server: I take a directory icon in the treeview of 'local site', drag it down a just bit, so that no other directory entry gets highlighted. Then i drop the icon into nowhere and FileZilla crashes instantly, reproduceable.

#1478 typofix skuciok

Corected typos in polish version

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