Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#160 Lockups On Large File Structures overcast

If i attempt to transfer an entire web site directory with many directories/files inside of directories filezilla attempts to cue up every single file and appears to overflow whatever buffer it has for the queue listing. Why bother cue up every single filename? It basically has to go and search for every single file before even transferring anything. So even if it didn't freeze up i'd have to sit there for 10 minutes while it queues everything.

#161 Download Executable from UNIX server anonymous

Operations on an executable file on a UNIX server are hampered when the file name is listed as "<filename>*" (the usual "ls -F" indication that the file is an executable). The problem occurs when the files is downloaded or operated on (for instance chmod'd), in which case the filename is passed as "<filename>*" to the command, which fails. The workaround is to temporarily remove execute permission on the file before downloading.

#162 FileZilla server: unable to change port pbru

when I try to change the port the server will listen, I get a error message (in Gernan?) that ask me to enter a value between 1 and 65535.

I get this error for any port number I tried except for 21.

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