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Results (154 - 156 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4405 outdated Cannot delete folder/file Chris

Removing a folder fails if it was not created by a FileZilla Client and matches the following cases:

  • this folder has a file ".DS_store" (Mac) in it (cannot remove file as well)
  • this folder has a comma (,) in its name (in my case, it was created by a php script, I cannot open or rename the folder as well)
  • this folder/file has some backslashes (\) in its name (also created by php; however, I was able to rename the folder and afterwards I could remove it)

For all cases, it fails "No such file or directory". I reproduced this bug (especially the first case) several times.

However, I can delete the folders by a webbased system having the same user/group-rights as FileZilla had.

Perhaps there are some more problems if the folder/file name is not binary and was created by some other ftp client? I think the problem could be the charcater code?

#9727 duplicate All views aligned to right CG

The display is aligned to right and the punctuation order is wrong as you can see in the attachement. I have the latest version. The view in the previous version was correct. I have Hebrew and English installed.

#9728 duplicate All views aligned to right CG

The display is aligned to right and the punctuation order is wrong as you can see in the attachement. I have the latest version. The view in the previous version was correct. I have Hebrew and English installed.

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