Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#954 lost all my sites in site manager Alexander Schuch potion

I tried to exit filezilla (file > exit) during a large transfer and all the sites in my site manager disappeared. I'm using 2.2.14, not the latest version, but thought I should report it anyway.

#955 Race condition on local directory open Alexander Schuch paul_galbraith

I have a local virtual drive (not a windows share, but a clearcase version control view) mapped on my windows machine. FZ 2.2.16 gets into a race condition when I navigate three levels down into this drive, after opening a folder that has ~100 subfolders.

#960 Connection timeout too soon Alexander Schuch sapience

Connecting to a particular server which does not respond immediately may cause the client to terminate the connection prematurely.

This is the error :

Error: Timeout detected! Error: Unable to connect!

Using another FTP client which allows me to configure the connection timeout, the connection succeeds after a while, longer than the timeout tolerated by the FileZilla client.

A longer timeout should be hardcoded or made a configure option.

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