Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#148 parsing path error anonymous

Hello, I am trying to evalue filezilla version 1.9.9. sftp support. I tried with our sftp server on windows machine, but it didn't work. here is an error:

So, basically, it cannot parse the path. Our root path is "home:/", which is not a standard unix one. Is it something difficult to fix ?? I really like your product, and I wish I would be able to deply it as the our sftp/ftp client choice.

Thank you very much for your help, wootti

Trace: FzSFtp.exe: Using username "testnet1" Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4236): Sent password Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(3821): Access granted Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4298): Opened channel for session Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4408): Started a shell/command Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Response: Remote working directory is home:/ Status: Connected Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2068) : ResetOperation(1) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(297) : List (FALSE,0,"","",1) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: Remote directory is home:/ Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(297) : List (FALSE,0,"","",0) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(337) : Can't parse path Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2068) : ResetOperation(4) Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#149 Bypass proxy not working everguet

In Site Manager, when logon type is normal (not tested in anonymous), when "bypass proxy / firewall settings" is checked, FileZilla try to connect to proxy, when one is defined.

#150 name in dir listing starts in wrong col anonymous

When generating a directory listing, names of files not modified in the current year start one column (one character) earlier than files that have a modification date in the current year. This confuses at least some ftp clients which list the file without the first character.

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