Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1320 .html file becomes unformatted peinstein

I use filezilla for all my purposes on 4 different websites.

However, for a particular type of webpage (our result files which are html), whenever I use filezilla, the whole page becomes unformatted/corrupted once uploaded, and shows all chinese fonts.

Because of this I have had to use another ftp software for the past one year, just to upload our result files, where that software works fine. For the rest of the html, asp, php etc. pages on the website filezilla works fine and I have had no issues with it for the past two years.

I am attaching an html file for your verification. Ours is a linux server. The websites where I have tried this out have been both on windows and linux servers but this problem persisted over the years.

#333 .ink files not flagged as executable by owner... nilsoncain

In Filezilla Server, when you check the option for enabling .ink files to be resolved, they are not flagged as executable by the owner. .ink files are not able to be resolved unless they are flagged as executable by owner.

#244 .lnk files not resolved anonymous

The .lnk files are not being resolved, whereas they were resolved in earlier versions.

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