Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#923 Sticky mouse during uploads Alexander Schuch waterhead37

My mouse pointer becomes very sticky during uploads of multiple files - just within Filezilla. In other windows, it is normal. This behaviour makes it hard to make any changes or stop the transfer while an uploading queue is being processed

Chris Knight

#925 Can not edit Quick Connect list Alexander Schuch e-tek_tech

Once an address is attempted, it can not be removed or edit from the Quick Connect drop down list.

#927 download fails at end of file Alexander Schuch keruskerfuerst

Filezilla 2.2.14b: Windows xp x64 Downloadside I was downloading the hole (world) scenery (version 0.98). But the client stop downloading at the end of big files and shows: timeout, connection failed and does not restart the transfer.

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