Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12706 duplicate Edited file didnt upload and deleted the existing file Cryper

I edited a file on my Server, saved it and tried to upload it again. It took way to long, so i closed FileZilla. Before its closed it ask me to transfer the file which i edieted before to the server. Dont mind if you press yes or no. The file is completly empty on the Server if you run FileZilla again and look for the file.

#12705 rejected WebDav error :-( Bas Bosch

I have reported it several times, but success remains out. Not only unfortunate but also disappointing. I have to use WinSCP (PC) and SolidExplorer (Android, tablet) to log in to my provider (Ziggo, Netherlands) with the Webdav protocol. FilezillaPro always generates the error message "too many redirections". This is due to FilezillaPro, because I use the same data and settings as with WinSCP and Solidexplorer. Logging in with these apps goes without a hitch. I tried everything with Filezilla Pro, but nothing helps. I thought I'd make another attempt here, before I throw off Filezilla Pro

#12704 rejected Set focus not working Gus Gustafson

When in a directory on the server side, highlighting a file and choosing "Delete" from the dropdown menu, the confirmation dialog box does not place focus on the default button "Yes".

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