Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11563 worksforme .htaccess file Zimny's Brain

Can save save/transver all files from your client to the server except .taccess files never have this issues before and using you from years.... is your quality and support will change in microsoft?

#4443 rejected .htaccess isn't shown adonai666

In the german language version is after the upgrade to 3.2.4 the .htaccess - file not shown. But the under "server" is "force showing hidden files" activated.

#7318 outdated .htaccess not showing eric reynolds


I have read the previous posts regarding the .htaccess issue. I have enabled the raw logs and my .htaccess file is showing up. I am using FileZilla 3.0.4

Listing: type=file;size=17;modify=20110428014334;UNIX.mode=0604;UNIX.uid=7645816;UNIX.gid=100450;unique=1ag2d27955; .htacess

I also have enabled my server to "Force showing hidden files". I have this working on other machines but I have not been able to get it working since I reinstalled Win XP Pro. This isn't the end of the world because you can manually transfer a file but its kind of annoying when it used to work.



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