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Results (142 - 144 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4066 fixed hitting 4G file limit on FAT32 does not result in file transfer error. William Myre

I attempted to transfer a 7 gig file. The transfer would stop at 4 gig and would not restart. Dowloaded the lastest version of Filzillam and the same problem occured. Researched problem and discovered I was hitting max file size on FAT32 drive. However, the latest version of Filzilla client for windows(downloaded today) hits the error, and then says the file tranferred successfully. This condition should be better recognised and posted as an error.

#4069 fixed Custom Server-Side Commands Features fzfan

Every day I want to upload some files to FTP server and then rename them. It is a hard work when I have to rename many of files.

So I suggest that FileZilla will provide Custom Server-Side Commands feature.

i.e.: If there are 3 files(1.txt,2.txt.3.txt) will to be rename to (a.txt,b.txt,c.txt), then Filezilla can let me define a commmands-group as a menu to do this work.

#4097 fixed Use of setenv() is not portable Richard Lloyd

In the FileZilla Client 3.1.6 code, src/interface/locale_initializer.cpp makes a call to setenv(), which unfortunately not every platform has (my example is HP-UX 11.11). To fix this in a somewhat kludgy way, I took the gitsetenv() routine from git's compat/setenv.c and put it in locale_initializer.cpp (I had to cast the malloc() call in the gitsetenv() function to (char *) as well). Whether there's a more elegant solution, I'll leave it up to you (e.g. you could test for setenv() in configure and #ifdef HAVE_SETENV or something, but you'll still need some code for your equivalent setenv() call of course).

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