Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#912 Window resizes on minimizing to "restored" size Alexander Schuch oeconom

For some versions now I'm encoutering the same problem (effect, less a real problem). After minimizing the FileZilla Application window or pressing "show desktop" and switching back to FileZilla, the window resizes from "maximized" to "restored" size. This only happens the first time after starting the App; every next time I minimize or switch to desktop, everything's fine on turning back to FileZilla and the window status is still "maximized".

Any idea or suggestions?

Thanks, greetings,


#913 Modification times not preserved on sftp uploads Alexander Schuch mobigeek


Not sure if this is completely possible or not, but with "scp" I can maintain a file's modification times using "scp -p src_file user@machine:dest_location"

FileZilla has the option to preserve timestamps on download ("File transfer settings") but nothing that I can see about uploads.

Thanks, mG.

#915 PASV always on? Alexander Schuch noahspam

No matter what setting I use, PASV mode is always set after login. On one particular server, this is not an option and I am dropped immediately. It's really rather annoying...

I'm using 2.2.14b.

Thank you.

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