Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#142 can transfer large file anonymous

I user FileZilla 1.9.8 and FileZilla server 0.7.1beta.

When FileZilla try to download a large file(ie, 14M) from FileZilla server, no problem.

But if FileZilla are downloading the same 14M file through socks or HTTP proxy(I use wingate 4.5.1), the downloading hangup when about 35% of the file has beed downloaded.

I also use another socks/HTTP proxy server to test and get the same result.

This must be a bug of either FileZilla or FileZilla server.


#143 transfering directory tflambert

just a request to return to original directory on remote site when you transfer a directory(folder). It end up in the last sub-directory parsed it looks like.

BTW love program

#144 cant upload perl scripts anonymous

any perl scripts uploaded with filezilla do not work, regardless of whether you transfer in ascii or binary.

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