Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#136 Filezilla on a virtual pc anonymous

I'm having difficulty getting permissions to use Filezilla on a Virtual PC on a Mac Powerbook - my environment requires me to have Kerberos tickets, which I was able to get - but Filezilla thinks I don't have them.

Does the Virtual PC work like a NAT box, interrupting the contact?

  • Thanks!

Marion Carroll MIT

#137 Windows Registry Entries anonymous

Rather an annoyance for me. I like to make sure my registry is very clean, and i notice that filezilla has two entries under my winXP system:

HKCU\Software\FileZilla (being used properly)

HKCU\Software\Local AppWizard-Generated Applications\FileZilla (totally void and unnecessary)

It'd be great if the exe doesn't make the latter entry. It's a quick fix, and one I'd do myself.

Every last reclaimed bit in the registry helps.

#138 Cannot delete folder. gluttle

I'm using a win2k server at a hosting company called Not the greated, but?

I right click on a folder and choose delete. It deletes everything in the folder, but not the folder.

Am I doing it wrong? Or is it a bug?

I want to delete this empty folder. Please!


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