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Results (130 - 132 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#872 transfer errors Alexander Schuch edosoft


when uploading a file filezilla sometimes reports "transmission errors" like transmission error #1, #2 ans so on. (maybe its called a a bit different i use german translation) however, it uploads the file but when done the file _does not_ contain the data it should. i mean it contains mostly correct data but when uploading an exe file and downloading it again it wasnt executable anymore and comparing it to the original file with a hex editor shows some small differences...

hum i see it even has different sizes, the uploaded file is even bigger then the file on my disk...

if you need additinal info (i think so :D) feel free to email me (dominik@…)

#879 SFTP using SSH2 garbles line endings Alexander Schuch billygray

When downloading a text file from an OpenSSH or SSH2 server using the connection type "SFTP using SSH2", line endings become strange binary character(s) (a square, in Windows Notepad).

Downloading the same set test files from various SSH2 and OpenSSH servers using the OpenSSH sftp client does not result in this problem.

#882 unable to access directories with leading/trailing spaces Alexander Schuch shagzomatic

It appears that if someone has created a directory on an ftp server with a leading or trailing space in the directory name (i.e. " directoryname" or "directoryname "), the FileZilla client (Windows, v2.2.13c) is unable to descend into that directory. I believe this to be an issue with the client rather than the server since I am unable to duplicate this issue with gftp under Linux or coreftp under Windows.

Logs on the server side look like FileZilla is stripping the leading / trailing spaces off the file names (directories in test below are named " leading space" and "trailing space ": UNKNOWN nobody [18/May/2005:11:08:19 -0500] "USER shagz" 331 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "PASS (hidden)" 230 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "FEAT" 211 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "SYST" 215 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:20 -0500] "PWD" 257 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:25 -0500] "CWD leading space" 550 - UNKNOWN shagz [18/May/2005:11:08:29 -0500] "CWD trailing space" 550 -

client -side logs are attached.

The server this was discovered with is a Linux machine running proftpd. I can provide test login credentials if needed.

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