Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3906 fixed On client startup, parts of program window are beyond edge of desktop marshmat

FileZilla client version On a multiple monitor setup where the main and secondary monitors are not the same size, the FileZilla program window defaults to the following position:

  • Horizontally centred in the primary monitor
  • Vertically centred in the overall desktop

This causes the title bar, menus and button bar to be off the top edge of the desktop on the primary monitor, and beyond reach of the mouse. FileZilla can be made to function normally by maximizing its window via the Windows taskbar, but since its title bar is off the desktop, the window cannot be moved and cannot be used at less than full-screen. Is it possible to change the default program window position to fit vertically within the primary monitor, instead of the overall maximum vertical dimension of the desktop?

#3908 fixed Version for MAC OS 10 trashes my sitemanager.xml Larry

Using Version for my MAC OS 10 trashes my sitemanager.xml file and will not import it from a backup. The error manifests after install and the second tiome it launchs. Error begins with "can not load filezilla.xml". When I remove it, it then states "can not load sitemanager.xml". The sitemanager.xml file has a damaged record for an SFTP connection that uses port 20202. After the user entry the is garbage for the balance of that server record. The rest of the data is not damaged. Attached is a copy of the damaged <sever></server record.

#3913 fixed [] "Quick jump" with numpad doesn´t work larsen255


I have a list with several folders like this: 00001 00002 00101 00102 ...

When the selection is at the first item, I can press "001" on the main keys to jump to the third item. Though, this doesn´t work when I use the numpad.


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