Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#118 Date formats differ, can't compare dates killerapp

The date formats for local and remote currently display in two different formats. The Remote displays in bytes, and the local displays in whole KBs which makes file size comparison very difficult.

This bug was first notices in 1.94, I just upgraded to 1.97 and the problem is still there.

#119 netscapes ftp server irzyxel

netscape did something to their ftp server. cuteftp still shows the dir listing, but doesnt know the path anymore. filezilla says its an empty dir.

#120 no connection to default site djnestle

On my system (win95), the function "connect to default site" does not work. I could fix the problem by changing the while-loop within function CSiteManager::GetDefaultSite(CString substring) : (changed/new lines are marked *) while(RegEnumKeyEx(key,index,buffer,&length,0,0,0,0)==ERROR_SUCCESS) {

t_Site *site;

  • if(substring == "")
  • site=GetDefaultSite(buffer);
  • else


if (site)

return site;

index++; length=1000;



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