Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#175 Link with misprint in the help file. labcl

There is incorrect link to the "Message Log" page ("messagelog.hzm" instead of "messagelog.htm") on the "Menus and Toolbars" page in the help file.

#176 crash with big queue led83

tried to upload a 2GB queue and filezilla crashed.

filezilla 2.0.2 win 2000 athlon XP 1700+, 512MB RAM

#177 Links are not translated correctly psp_sf

Tested with FileZilla v2.0.2 on Windows 98 SE.

Links made to files are translated as being directories. That makes downloading impossible. This bug can be easily tested on the Gnome ftp server. Please try this link -> . FileZilla is unable to download any of the files. Actually I've tested this on many other FTP clients and the only capable of downloading the files was the standard windows ftp command line client (ftp.exe). :)

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