Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 User is not being redirected on connect anonymous

On a W2K-IIS-FTP server there one home directory per site. If there is a (virtual) directory whith the user's name the user is normally being redirected there on an FTP connect.

When I connect whith FileZilla I am in the root directory not in my home directory.

#110 language settings result is wrong schmalle79

default language english.

1.go to proxy settings settings > proxy settings

  • direct connection
  • socks4 proxy
  • socks4a proxy
  • socks5 proxy
  • http 1.1 proxy
  1. change language e.g to german

settings > language

  1. press "OK" to submit new settings

-> langunage has changed as expected

  1. go to proxy settings

settings > proxy settings

-> now the proxy list has changed between the english version, see below

  • verwende direkte verbindung(kein proxy)
  • verwende socks4 proxy
  • verwende socks5 proxy

is that correct?

#111 Queue Pane Column Widths Not Saved blujay

In the queue pane, the widths of the columns are not saved. I guess we missed that pane. :) Thanks.

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