Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12800 wontfix GUI: If Serverlist ist too long, last entries are cut off fischhase

Dear fileziller developers, thanks for your work.

I have a long list of Servers in my servermanager. Next to the button servermanager there ist a little arrow to pull down the list oft servers. This list dows not fit on my screen height, so it should scroll. Acually I have to open the servermanager dialogue box to get Serverconnections after "R"... It would be great, if the pull down menu would get a scrollfunktion.

Thanks and regards Martin

#12798 worksforme FTP problem Pieter Stolker

My acces to my website is denied with the following notifications:

Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met [2001:678:76c:3760::66]:21... Status: Verbinding gemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten... Status: TLS initialiseren... Fout: GnuTLS-fout -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. Status: Verbindingspoging mislukt met "ECONNABORTED - Verbinding verbroken". Fout: Kan niet verbinden met server Status: Wachten om opnieuw te proberen.... Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met [2001:678:76c:3760::66]:21... Status: Verbinding gemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten... Antwoord: 220 ProFTPD Server ready. Opdracht: AUTH TLS Antwoord: 234 Proceed with negotiation Status: TLS initialiseren... Fout: GnuTLS-fout -8: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received. Status: Verbindingspoging mislukt met "ECONNABORTED - Verbinding verbroken". Fout: Kan niet verbinden met server

#12796 rejected 530 STOR Anonymous user cannot write to any directory _____g0_n _____g0_n

I've been transferring files through Mix Explorer <Android app> and my computer (Mac) always the same way; FTP, quick connect, anonymous user, no TLS. Always successfully. Now I'm getting this error:

Estado: Conectando a Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida... Estado: Servidor no seguro, no soporta FTP sobre TLS. Estado: Registrado en Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio... Estado: Directorio "/" listado correctamente Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio "/Download"... Estado: Directorio "/Download" listado correctamente Estado: Conectando a Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida... Estado: Servidor no seguro, no soporta FTP sobre TLS. Estado: Registrado en Estado: Comenzando la subida de /Users.../*.epub Comando: CWD /Download Respuesta: 250 CWD Done Comando: PWD Respuesta: 257 PWD "/Download" Comando: TYPE I Respuesta: 200 TYPE set to: Binary. Comando: PASV Respuesta: 227 PASV Passive mode (192,168,1,13,153,222) Comando: STOR *.epub Respuesta: 530 STOR Anonymous user cannot write to any directory. Error: Error crítico de transferencia de archivo

I've also tried other connection method with the same result; FTP/TLS, user + pass, active mode...

Thanks for any help or advice.

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