Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#103 Links on remote server anonymous

Links on a remote server are not recognized properly.

For example, see There's a link 'freedb-win-20020327.rar', which is recognized by FileZilla as a directory.

An attempt to download this file (the link points to freedb-win.rar) results in FileZilla trying to "CWD freedb-win- 20020327.rar" which of course raises a "550 freedb-win- 20020327.rar: No such file or directory." error.

#104 can not view hidden files anonymous

Version 1.9.3

The Programm cannot view hidden files (Dotfiles) on the server. This is not a bug, but I would like this feature.

#105 FileZilla crashes while downloading huge Tim Kosse Alexander Schuch

I'm using FileZilla 1.9.3 on Win98SE with WinSock 2 installed. While downloading a huge directory (>10000 files) it starts downloading quiete normal but crashes all of a sudden... no other program is running besides FileZilla and I'm doing nothing exept for watching the screen. I tried it several times... but there is no scheme for the crashes (it downloads sometimes more, sometimes less files before crashing).

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