Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9095 invalid uppercase QUIT from an AIX is not accepted Emiliano Pacelli

We have a counterpart that has filezilla server and in case we login from our internal system (AIX OS), that issue the QUIT command in uppercase, we receive the "invalid command error". On the other hand, if we issue the quit in lowercase, everything goes smoothly. Another info, if we repeat the same test from a windows system, the filezilla server accepts the quit both in upper and lower cases. We can't change the QUIT command in the AIX procedure and we think that this case sensitivity applied in the first test, is not correct. Could you kindly verify?

#2614 uploads as atomic transactions mindplay

uploads are currently progressive - that is, the file is created in it's destination, and is then gradually appended during upload.

in order to cooperate well with other server software (e.g. scheduled tasks, pickup scripts, etc.) uploads need to be atomic transactions - that is, the physical file needs to be created "invisibly", in a temporary folder on the destination drive.

once the upload is completed, the file can then be renamed to it's destination filename/folder.

this way, pickup scripts, scheduled tasks, backup applications, etc. will never find a partially uploaded file.

this is crucial if, for example, you have a script that picks up a CSV file on a schedule - currently, if you're unlucky, you'll pick up the file while it's incomplete, and your data will only be partially imported.

#8778 outdated uploading site jason

I have been trying to use filezilla to upload a site but, Critical error keeps appearing. I am 100% certain my login details are correct so i don't know what the problem is.

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