Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#784 Permission Error Alexander Schuch roneng


I've found a bug while trying to transfer a file from a Solaris 8 system to a Win2k3 system (NTFS).

I had no permission on the windows machine but FileZilla transfered the file anyway.

When I looked into the transfered directory the file wasn't there although the FileZilla log indicated that the file transfer was completed successfully.

When I tried it again it prompted me that the file is already there and would I like to override it - which can't be true (as you can rembere I don't have any writing permissions on the windows machine).


#785 no "@" in host adress ??? Alexander Schuch jaydax

i enjoied FileZilla untill today. i registerd webspace by a new provider. my ftp host is "blablabla@…". FileZilla is not able to connect to this host. unknown syntax is the error. he will axcept the @ only in use with "user:pass@". but that is not the way i need. maybe you can correct this in a newer version.

thanks a lot for your good work !!!

#788 Settings import does not work properly Alexander Schuch ultrasick

Hi, there is propably a bug in the import function. I noticed a few weeks ago in the .9 version that importing the ftp sites does not work if you import the settings right after it and then close the programm and reopen it. I thought i did somehthing wrong, but now i just installed version .10 and the same happend again.

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