Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#157 problem with date jmmatrat

i use filezilla on a server with the french display of date, and i think there is with august as on my server i have aoû

example drwxr-sr-x 4 dev dev 512 jul 24 09:36 log drwxr-sr-x 2 dev dev 512 aoû 20 12:28 obj drwxr-sr-x 4 dev dev 512 jul 23 16:46 src

and any file or directory that has been modified in august in not displayed. there is no check before overwriting, i think that filezilla simply doesnot see these files.

Tell me if you see anything

#158 2 connexions instead of 1 anonymous

Good evening,

my ISP lets me connect to his FTP server with only *one* connexion.

  1. I launch Filezilla, choose my ISP FTP account
  2. I connect to my account
  3. As soon as I want to upload a file, everything behaves

as if Filezilla attempted to make a second connexion : my ISP FTP server systematically answers : upload forbidden, you already have an active connection.

Regards, Antoine

#159 totally useless anonymous

The option to set the directory and language is completly gone in version 0.7.2 making it useless.

Also it forces you to set ports for the custom PASV settings even though it isn't checked, when you do this it does not recognize the ports and returns the error dialog. Unless you cancel out of the setup this dialog will not go away.

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