Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 Proxy error in version 1.9.2 Tim Kosse cfmsoft

I cannot use the proxy to connect with version 1.9.2 of FileZilla. The problem doesn't occur with version 1.8.3. My settings are FTP proxy, with host and port, no user or password and the proxy type is 'USER with no logon'. The answer from the remote host is always invalid password. Is seems FileZilla 1.9.2 is no sending the command PASS correctly.


#98 "file exists" dialog shows wrong info starless

When you want to upload a file overwriting an old version, the usual dialog appears, asking what you want to do (overwrite, skip, etc.). Starting from FileZilla 1.9.2, this dialog does not show the correct info about the files, it only shows some dates, while it did show the file sizes before (which is surely useful).

#99 disable keep alive doesn't work anonymous


I have disabled the 'keep alive settings' in FileZilla 1.9.3 but FileZilla seems to send that keep alive messages nevertheless as displayed in 'message log' window. I even closed and restarted FileZilla again but it still continues using keep alive.

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