Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 Remote file size/date show ??? on upload magra

V2.0.0 beta 5: After uploading a new file to the remote server, the file is shown on the right hand side but has "???" for filesize and date and the time and permissions fields are blank. If I hit F5 to refresh the information is then correctly shown.

Can't remember seeing this behaviour on previous versions, but I may be wrong.

#155 Timestamp out 1hr on downloaded files magra

If I download a file from the remote site to local and I have the "Preserve date/time of downloaded files" option set, the timestamp for the file once downloaded is one hour out.

For example:

Remtoe file is dated 07/08/2002 14:44. After downloading,. the local file is dated 07/08/2002 15:44.

My other FTP client gets it right. I also verified the remote file timestamp in a shell session.

#156 Issues with new transfer system magra

The new separated transfer "thread" in Filezilla is nice but the implementation has problems.

I think you must have a user definable file size, below which the seperate connection is not established and instead the "browsing" connection is used (as how it worked before). When developing I tend to upload small files repeatedly and before this was very quick, but now every time I upload a file I have to wait about 15 seconds everytime for the connection to be established.

Also, it appears that the second connection is dropped as soon as the file/queue is transferred. I think you need to add an option so that this connection is kept alive for a specified duration of time. So when new transfers are initiated it doesn't have to reconnect again (which on my system takes around 10-15 seconds).

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