Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8973 outdated file keeps processing (triple) since 9/27/13 it is a file from april 19 2013 judy

file s keeps transmitting to our electronic ihcfa site.

#11211 fixed Connection through a FTP proxy is not possible anymore BW_Acc


since v. 3.25 (in 3.25.1 the behaviour is the same) it is not possible anymore to connect to FTP Servers through a FTP proxy.

When you try it, FileZilla shows the messages "421 InterScan VirusWall FTP address missing '@'" and "Could not connect to server".

A downgrade to 3.24.1 solves the problem immediately.

Best regards, BW_Acc

#12515 worksforme Cannot activate Filezilla Pro Baelisto

How can I reactivate Filezilla Pro?

I have an error popup, were I can verify and remove my active machines using filezilla?

Thanks in advance

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