Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3780 fixed fzsftp crashes if default remote directory is invalid when using SFTP Tim Kosse Ed Brey

If the default remote directory for a web site is invalid, the Windows Error Reporting (aka Windows Crash Dialog) appears stating, "SFTP module in FileZilla based on PuTTY's psftp component has stopped working" and the helper process fzsftp is terminated.


  • Use this connection info:

Host: Servertype: SFTP Default remote dirctory: /home/groups/s/se/sermonsontheweb/htdocs

  • Connect
  • Notice the crash.

FileZilla version 3.1.2.

#3781 fixed "View/Edit" feature does not work when remote filename is longer than set number of characters kimon

Sample remote filename (masked): XX_X_XXXXX_X_XXXXX_XXXXXX_XXX_XXXX.XXXXXX_xxxxxx.xxxxx_xxxxxx_xxx_xxx.20080917_113015.txt

These are log files generated by scripts that run on a remote server

At first I thought it had to do with the 255 character filename limit that one sometimes runs into but, when I tried to open the file from the temp directory using the exact same editor, it worked.

#3783 fixed Site Manager dialog button has bad label ("Discard") dirTdogE

The site manager has a button labeled "Discard" for what might usually be labeled "Cancel." The different wording is not necessary, and can create confusion. For example (being the idiot that I am?), I first assumed that the "Discard" button would... discard the information on the current screen. That is, I thought the information would be deleted instead of the changes (if applicable) canceled.

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