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Results (91 - 93 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3636 usually times out before 160 k file is uploaded hughwynne

updated to version a few days ago, since when filezilla usually times out before 160 k file is uploaded to

Can work after a few re-tries. I use a "3" USB "mobile broadband" dongle, which is bursty, discontiuous & never very fast.

Not a good thing. However, old filezilla version was OK. Sorry I upgraded!

Hugh Wynne 28-7-08 hw@…

#292 using FTP proxy : remoteID@fireID@remotehost anonymous

on FileZilla 2.1.5, using the FTP proxy setting as : remoteID@fireID@remotehost the authentication is rejected by the firewall. Not quite sure FileZilla handles correctly the password which should be : remotePWD@firePWD looking at the status window, the password is longer than the comniation remotePWD@firePWD.

PS : the FTP proxy that we have is the FTP proxy of CheckPoint Firewall-1.

#824 usernames with slash doesn't work Alexander Schuch mokierer

Until now we used total commander for ftp uploads which works very good but Filezilla has become at least equal so we decided to change. After creating the ftp accounts we realized that filezilla can't handle usernames with slashes ("/") in it. We always get the server message "password or username wrong". The account works with the same config in Total Commander and in IE. Because of that we have to stay on Total Commander which isn't so good :) By the way thanks for your great work.

cu Mokierer

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