Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1921 "favorite" directories cephelo

It would be nice to have a favorite directories drop- down somewhere on the local side. Not really necessary for remote side, IMO. It would be nice to have global favorites and favorites per site in the manager as well. Maybe add it to the right-click context menu on the local side... "Add to favorites" or something.

#98 "file exists" dialog shows wrong info starless

When you want to upload a file overwriting an old version, the usual dialog appears, asking what you want to do (overwrite, skip, etc.). Starting from FileZilla 1.9.2, this dialog does not show the correct info about the files, it only shows some dates, while it did show the file sizes before (which is surely useful).

#9293 fixed "filter IN items matching all of the following" Wo'O Ideafarm

There is currently no way to filter IN items passing the specified test. For example, right now I need to see only file names that (1) contain ".dsc" and (2) end in ".jpg". There is no way to do this.

A quick and dirty enhancement would be to add a checkbox that, when checked, causes the filter to INclude rather than EXclude.

I've marked this "high" priority on the presumption that this would be easy to do and would significantly improve the usefulness of filtering by making all boolean operations possible. From a boolean algebra point of view, the current filtering options are logically incomplete.

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