Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#82 Import to Queue not working anonymous

I am running FileZilla 1.8.2 on an NT4.0 workstation

  1. conneted to a server
  2. add file(s)to the transfer queue
  3. Export the transfer queue to a text file (foo.txt)
  4. remove file(s) from queue
  5. verify that text file is created

5.1 (optional) close and restart FileZilla 5.2 (optional) reconnect to server

  1. Import Transfer queue from file (foo.txt)
  2. Nothing happens - files are *not* added to

Transfer Queue. The Transfer Queue remains empty. There is no error measage.

I had hoped that Queue Import and Export was a method of storing a complex download scheme for reuse - this feature is not documented in the help file as to how and why it may be used. I tried to get it to work for a single file in the queue as well as a more complex file structure. The Queue export feature appeares to be working correctly ( it creates a text file showing file transfer information ) but the import feature seems to do nothing.

#83 Crash on file transfer Tim Kosse azzytee

Seemingly randomly, but reoccouring. FileZilla crashes on a large file transfer.

Crashes with the following information:

Socket Notification Sink: FileZilla.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x73dd3eb8" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program Click on CANCEL to debug the program

When clicked debug, I receive

Microsoft Visual C++

Unhandled exception in FileZilla.exe (MFC42.DLL); 0xC0000005: Access Violation.

And the following line is marked 73DDD3EB8 mov eax,dword ptr [edi]

As for system information, I'm running a Pentium 4 1.4ghz with 768 megs of ram, plenty of disk space (no low disk space problems), WindowsXP, LAN connected to DSL via a Microsoft SOCKS4 proxy.

Thanks for the great ftp client, keep up the good work.

#84 Queue losing host information azzytee

I had a problem where after exiting FileZilla the Queue remained when I Restarted, but it had forgotten it's host information.

Thus when trying to process the queue, it locked up the program until the Maximum retries on each file were all used up.

I can't seem to reproduce this error.

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