Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#807 "Use multiple connections"-setting Alexander Schuch ultrasick

If you remove the hook in the menu "Queue"->"Use multiple connections" and enter the settings menu after it "Edit"->"Settings..."->"File transfere settings" the hook at "Use multiple connections to transfere files" is still there. If you click "ok" now, the hook in the menu will also be there again and the programm will use 2 connections again.

#12959 invalid "User is enabled" unticked - and the XML file proves - but user can still login Markus

I just wanted to disable an user to login in our FTP server. I've even checked the XML file if the user is set to "disabled". It is, but this configuration seems to be ignored. I've restarted the FTP server and the FileZilla Server service but I see on the interface and in the logs, that the user can still login.

Is that maybe a bug?

Best regards

#1511 "Users" table in "Users" window correction. alexander_ilyin

"Users" table in "Users" window has been moved at left side from all. Remaining stuff moved by 93 pixels to the right. Button "OK" moved few pixel higher, that be on higher distance from the button "Cancel". Users list table maked bigger height. Help strings are maked shorter, sorry, that was possible to avoid, but better by another patch ...

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